Academic articles and papers - by theme

Monetary policy

2007    9. Did the 1981 Budget refute naive Keynesianism?  
2007    10. An exchange 25 years later between Professor Stephen Nickell and Tim Congdon  
2007    PART FIVE: Did Monetarism succeed?  
2007    11. Assessing the Conservatives' record  
2007    12. Criticizing the critics of monetarism  
2007    13. Has macroeconomic stability since 1992 been due to Keynesianism, monetarism or what?  
2007    PART SIX: How the Economy Works  
2007    14. Money, asset prices and economic activity  
2007    15. Some aspects of the transmission mechanism  
2007    Index  
2008    A load of hot air  (Source: The Spectator)

2008    The Northern Rock fiasco  (Source: The European Journal)

2008    Botched rescue  (Source: Financial World)

2008    Harsh arithmetic behind the banking crisis  (Source: The Times)

2008    The stuff simply is not there  (Source: Standpoint)

2008    There is nothing magic about this Keynesian fad  (Source: The Spectator)

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